#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf-8
# It is simple implimentation of the paper:
# R. Achanta, S. Hemami, F. Estrada and S. Susstrunk,
# Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection,
# IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2009.
# for more information
# http://ivrg.epfl.ch/supplementary_material/RK_CVPR09/index.html
# I use the YCrCb color space instead of the LAB color space for the simple implimentation
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFilter
import numpy as np
def saliencymap(img):
gfrgb = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=3))
ycc = gfrgb.convert('YCbCr')
imgArray = np.float32(np.asarray(ycc))
m = imgArray.mean(axis=(0,1))
imwidth, imheight = img.size
smap = np.zeros((imheight, imwidth))
for i in xrange(3):
d = imgArray[:,:,i] - m[i]
smap = smap + d*d
return smap
if( __name__ == '__main__' ):
img = Image.open('a.png')
smap = saliencymap(img)
smap = smap / smap.max() * 255
smapimg = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(smap))